SMA Goal: Advance Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Framework that Instills Certainty/Confidence
SMA Goal: Increase global competitiveness of the Saskatchewan mining and exploration sector
SMA Goal: Be recognized as a sustainable, and valued essential sector
SMA Goal: Strengthen Diversity and Inclusion in the Sector
The Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA) is an industry-driven organization representing the mining and mineral exploration industry within Saskatchewan.
SMA advocates on behalf of members on issues related to provincial and federal regulatory changes, develops and supports educational outreach programs, organizes and hosts public outreach and membership events.

SMA Mission Statement: "Advance a safe, sustainable and globally competitive exploration and mining industry in Saskatchewan that benefits all residents of the province."
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Mining in Saskatchewan
SMA is an industry-driven organization representing over 50 mining and mineral exploration companies operating in Saskatchewan.
Minerals Connected
Find free Saskatchewan relevant curriculum correlated educational resources developed by teachers, mineral industry experts and geoscientists.
Membership in the SMA is available to individuals and corporations engaged in exploration, development or production in the mining and metallurgical industries in the Province of Saskatchewan.