Lesson Plans

Educational Resources Overview

Lesson plans have been developed by teachers, minerals industry specialists , and geoscientists, to complement teacher resource materials provided by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. Click here to download the Education Resource Overview.

Click here for the Indigenization of the Saskatchewan Mining Association Lesson Plans: Mining Inquiry Project.

PILOT lessons: We would appreciate your feedback on these lesson plans. Send your comments via the feedback form or send an e-mail to education@saskmining.ca.

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  • Lesson Plans

    Sustainability Lesson Plan

    Unit: Module 4 Sustainability

    This activity was originally developed by L. Lesperance, K. Stewart, N. Stumborg, of Areva Resources Canada Ltd. for the Saskatchewan Mining Association’s MAP (Minerals and Products) event...

  • Lesson Plans

    Chem 30 – Potash Mining – Removing the KCl from the Ore

    Unit: Foundations of Chemistry

    Students will discover how mining companies process the raw ore of potash (sylvinite) to produces the desirable potassium chloride (KCl). The students are given the task of separating the valuable KCl (sylvite) from the NaCl (halite) and gangue minerals in the ore...

  • Lesson Plans

    Grade 7 MS – Potash Solution Mining Dissolving Potash

    Unit: Foundations of Chemistry

    Students will discover through guided inquiry and hands on activities that one of Saskatchewan’s valuable mineral resources is a mechanical mixture which is mined by conventional underground methods or by dissolution in water...

  • Lesson Plans

    Grade 7 MS – Potash Solution Mining How do we know it’s KCl

    Unit: Foundations of Chemistry

    The students will simulate the work of a Chemical Engineer/Geochemist/Chemist /Chemical technician and general operations personnel by studying solubility curves to determine that the mineral precipitated out of solution was sylvite (KCl)...

  • Lesson Plans

    Grade 7 MS – Potash Solution Mining Recovering Dissolved Potash

    Unit: Foundations of Chemistry

    Students will discover through guided inquiry and teacher demonstration that Saskatchewan’s valuable potash mineral sylvite is separated from the other salt halite, by dissolution and precipitation due to differences in solubility...

  • Lesson Plans

    Uranium Processing Removing Heavy Metals from the Wastewater

    Unit: Foundations of Chemistry

    This activity was developed for the Saskatchewan Mining Association by A. Lafontaine (Teacher, Kenaston School). Uranium Processing information provided by B. Bharadwaj (Metallurgist, Cameco) and the Mill staff at Rabbit Lake Mine (Cameco Corporation)...

  • Lesson Plans

    Core sampling and Ore Deposits

    Unit: Foundations of Earth Science

    Students will explore two of the methods of ore deposit location, the airborne magnetometer survey and core drilling. Students will identify a primary target through the airborne survey and follow-up with a drill program...

  • Lesson Plans

    Gold Exploration

    Unit: Foundations of Earth Science

    This lesson was developed by the Saskatchewan Mining Association for their MAP (Minerals and Products) event...

  • Lesson Plans

    I Heard That! Seismic Surveys

    Unit: Foundations of Earth Science

    The seismic reflection method of geophysical exploration is used widely to map geology below the surface. Students will simulate the use of geophones and...

  • Lesson Plans

    Coal Mining – Surface Strip Mining

    Unit: Mathematics

    The original idea for this lesson comes from a lesson by Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. It has been adapted for Saskatchewan schools by the SMA with help from Emily Clauson, Environmental Engineer at Poplar River Mine.

  • Lesson Plans

    Uranium Processing Removing Heavy Metals from the Wastewater

    Unit: Atmosphere and Human Health

    This activity was developed for the Saskatchewan Mining Association by A. Lafontaine (Teacher, Kenaston School). Uranium Processing information provided by B. Bharadwaj (Metallurgist, Cameco) and the Mill staff at Rabbit Lake Mine (Cameco Corporation).

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Cards (B W) (Part 2 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    If you enjoy working with numbers (dollars), like to work by yourself, and are self-motivated then maybe Accounting is a career for you. An Accountant provides all the cost information for the mine site. This includes the maintenance of the general ledgers, reviewing payroll records...

  • Lesson Plans

    Potash Mining – How to Sparate the KCI from the Ore

    Unit: Chemical Equilibria

    Students will discover how mining companies process the raw ore of potash (sylvinite) to produces the desirable potassium chloride (KCl). The students are given the task of separating the valuable KCl (sylvite) from the NaCl (halite) and gangue minerals in the ore.

  • Lesson Plans

    Investigating Careers in the Minerals Industry 2014

    Unit: Career Exploration

    This activity explores careers in the minerals industry via online resources. Careers in the minerals industry refers to everyone from accountants to equipment operators, engineers, heavy-duty mechanics, lawyers, and welders.

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Instructions (Part 3 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    This activity highlights some of the careers in the minerals industry. The cards provide information at a middle years - secondary level. The cards illustrate that there are many different careers required to have a successful mining operation.

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Cards (Part 1 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    If you enjoy working with numbers (dollars), like to work by yourself, and are self-motivated then maybe Accounting is a career for you. An Accountant provides all the cost information for the mine site. This includes the maintenance of the general ledgers, reviewing payroll records, performing internal audits...

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Cards (B W) (Part 2 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    If you enjoy working with numbers (dollars), like to work by yourself, and are self-motivated then maybe Accounting is a career for you. An Accountant provides all the cost information for the mine site. This includes the maintenance of the general ledgers, reviewing payroll records...

  • Lesson Plans

    Investigating Careers in the Minerals Industry 2014

    Unit: Career Exploration

    This activity explores careers in the minerals industry via online resources. Careers in the minerals industry refers to everyone from accountants to equipment operators, engineers, heavy-duty mechanics, lawyers, and welders.

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Instructions (Part 3 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    This activity highlights some of the careers in the minerals industry. The cards provide information at a middle years - secondary level. The cards illustrate that there are many different careers required to have a successful mining operation. It is hoped that if students see a career...

  • Lesson Plans

    Career Activity Cards (Part 1 of 3)

    Unit: Career Exploration

    If you enjoy working with numbers (dollars), like to work by yourself, and are self-motivated then maybe Accounting is a career for you. An Accountant provides all the cost information for the mine site. This includes the maintenance of the general ledgers, reviewing payroll records, performing internal audits...