Voice of Saskatchewan
Mining and Exploration

Event Details

Potash Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Mining Week 2018
May 27, 2018

Saskatchewan Mining Week May 27 - June 2, 2018. 

Following is a list of Mining Week activities.

Monday, May 28 – Pierre Gratton, President & CEO, Mining Association of Canada will make a luncheon presentation to the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Hotel Saskatchewan Radisson Plaza in Regina. https://www.apegs.ca/Portal/Pages/event-details-7/33477

Tuesday, May 29 – Pam Schwann, President, Saskatchewan Mining Association will make a luncheon presentation to members of the Humboldt and District Chamber of Commerce at the Bella Vista in Humboldt. https://www.humboldtchamber.ca/events/details/mining-week-in-saskatchewan-2073

Wednesday, May 30 - Kyle Leadbeater, Superintendent, Dry End Production, K+S Potash Canada will make a breakfast presentation to the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce at Grant Hall Hotel, Moose Jaw. https://www.mjchamber.com/home

Wednesday, May 30 – Women in Mining/ Women in Nuclear Networking Event with keynote speaker the Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Minister of Energy & Resources to be held at the Saskatoon Club, Saskatoon. http://wimwinsk.com/event/2018-wimwin-sk-mining-week-networking-event/

Wednesday, May 30 and Thursday, May 31 – ‘Core Days’ in partnership with Keewatin Community Development Association, Northlands College and the Ministry of Energy & Resources. Events include: Technical Discussions, Core and Rock Sample Displays, Long Term Service Awards, Mineral Exploration & Mine Service Tradeshow, La Ronge. http://www.kcdc.ca/coredays/

Thursday, May 31 – Larry Long, Vice President Operations, Potash, Nutrien will make a breakfast presentation to the North Saskatoon Business Association to be held at the Saskatoon Club in Saskatoon. http://nsbasask.com/event/nsba-mining-week-breakfast-may31-18/

Thursday, May 31 – IMII’s 5th Annual “Let’s Talk Minerals!” to be held at the Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre, Saskatoon. http://www.imii.ca/events/events-details/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=208&cHash=8208d01a9013b9e560a50c3419b8d7a6

Friday, June 1 – The Honourable Bronwyn Eyre, Minister of Energy & Resources will make a breakfast presentation to the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce to be held at the Radisson Hotel, Saskatoon. http://members.saskatoonchamber.com/events/details/saskatchewan-mining-week-breakfast-4100

Saturday, June 2 – 50th Annual Emergency Response/Mine Rescue Skills Competition at Mosaic Place and Moose Jaw Exhibition Park, Moose Jaw.

For more information on Saskatchewan Mining Week contact the SMA office (306) 757-9505; admin@saskmining.ca